See below for English summary.
インドネシア、スマトラ島のほぼ中央部にあるテッソ・ニーロ国立公園はスマトラゾウやスマトラトラなどのスマトラ特有のアイコニックな野生動物の重要な生息地であり、 多様性は南米アマゾンのそれを上回る (Gillison 2001)ともいわれる。一方、公園の周辺には紙パルプ用のアカシア植林の造成地のほか、近年では多くの違法なアブラヤシ農園の公園内の各所に広がっている。こうした怪しい出所をもつアブラヤシの果房は「紛争パーム油」とも呼ばれ、多くのNGOがサプライチェーンを遡行する現地調査をもとに、最終的なユーザーの、日本をはじめとする先進国の大手のパーム油関連企業の原料調達方針の不遵守状況を告発している。
JATANでは2020年8月に数回の現地視察を国立公園周辺のいくつかのコミュニティを中心におこなった。明らかに公園内に存在するアブラヤシ農園から出荷された果房の多くが、ロイヤル・ゴールデン・イーグル(RGE:Royal Golden Eagle)系列のパーム油搾油工場(CPO mill)や製油工場(refinery)に運び込まれている実態をつかんだ。農園用地取得で、コミュニティ内部の有力者と高級官僚や政治家たちが結託・共謀している犯罪性の高い事例がようやく少しずつ明らかになっている。
ただ、公園内で住民たちが管理している一部のアブラヤシ農園については、公園が設定される以前から存在し、設定後も中央政府による管理の不備から移転や廃園の措置が取られずに放置されているものもある。一方で、外部から来た者でも農地の土地取得で慣習法のリーダーや村長など土地の有力者から土地所有権利書(Surat Kepemilikan Tanah: SKT)の発効を受け、みずからの農園の「正統性」を信じて疑わない耕作者もいる。政府は軍などを動員して強制的な排除がおこなおうとしているが、こうした「不法占拠者化された人びと」(笹岡2020)の存在をどう捉えるかによって、テッソ・ニーロ国立公園から産出される「紛争パーム油」問題の解決の見え方は大きく変わってくるだろう。
Located almost in the center of the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, Tesso Nilo National Park is an important habitat for iconic Sumatran wildlife such as Sumatran elephants and Sumatran tigers, and is said to have greater diversity than the Amazon in South America (Gillison 2001). On the other hand, acacia trees have been planted around the park for wood pulp, and many illegal oil palm plantations have been planted in the park in recent years. These oil palm bunches of questionable origins are known as "conflict palm oil". Based on field investigations tracing the supply chain backwards, NGOs accuse major companies in Japan and other developed countries that are final users of palm oil of failing to comply with their raw material procurement policies.
In August 2020, JATAN carried out several field visits, primarily in several communities around the national park. Most of the fruit bunches shipped from oil palm plantations, apparently located in the park, have been transferred to Royal Golden Eagle (Royal Golden Eagle: RGE), palm oil mills (CPO mills) and oil refineries. Recently, local NGOs and the media have started to reveal cases regarding farm land acquisition that demonstrate collusion and high criminality between community leaders and high-ranking officials and politicians.
However, some oil palm plantations managed by residents in the parks have existed since before the parks were established, and even after the parks were established, measures to relocate or close the plantations have not been taken due to insufficient management by the central government. On the other hand, there are some growers, some of whom even came from outside for farmland acquisition, who received valid land ownership deeds (Surat Kepemilikan Tanah: SKT) from influential people such as customary local leaders, village chiefs, etc. and never doubted the legitimacy of their plantations. The government is mobilizing the military and other forces to enforce their exclusion, but depending on how it perceives the existence of such "forced squatters" (Sasaoka 2020), the solution to the problem of "conflict palm oil" produced in Tesso Nilo National Park will change greatly.
Palm oil with these problems was sourced by RGE group companies, and the list of oil mills in question was included in the list of oil mills published by 4 major Japanese companies (Fuji Oil, Kao, Nisshin OilliO, and Itochu Corporation). In other words, at least these Japanese companies may have been using this "conflict palm oil". The four companies were confirmed to have transactions with Bank of Mitsubishi UFJ, Mizuho Bank, Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp., Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank and Norinchukin Bank. Sources including Indonesian media pointed out that Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) has financed to the RGE group. Although these financial institutions have sector specific policies to finance palm oil plantation growers, only Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank has a policy that covers the manufacturing companies that purchase palm oil and checks whether they hold certification and have any problems with local community, but other banks do not have such policy, and thus are not able to address palm oil transactions from areas facing risks of illegality and/or land conflicts. Addressing environmental and social issues, such as deforestation and human rights violations associated with palm oil, may require banks to set and implement policies not just for growers but also for purchasers of palm oil.