日本のNGO4団体で構成されるFair Finance Guide Japanは、第12回目の金融機関のESG方針評価(2025年版)を公表した。日本の大手銀行6グループ中、今回首位となった銀行は前回と同様にみずほであり、100点満点中38点を獲得した。農林中央金庫が37点を獲得し2位。3位が35点を獲得した三菱UFJとなった。三井住友は、大規模な開発プロジェクト向け融資における環境社会配慮基準であるエクエーター原則(赤道原則)から脱退したことで30点から29点に低下した。
電力セクター向け投融資ポートフォリオにおけるGHG排出量は、昨年に引き続きりそなが139gCO2e/kWhと他行と比較して最もリードしており、2030年段階の1.5度目標をほぼ達成している状況である。反対に、みずほのGHG排出量は353 gCO2e/kwh(2021年度)から368 gCO2e/kwh(2022年度)に増加し、三菱UFJのGHG排出量は299 gCO2e/kwh(2021年度)から313gCO2e/kwh(2022年度)に増加しており、いずれも1.5度目標に逆行していることが明らかとなった。特に三菱UFJは昨年まで毎年の排出量の推移を含めて表記していたが、今年は推移データが削除され、昨年からの増加が容易に分からないように表記されており、情報公開の方法にも問題がある。
tanabe@jacses.org / honkawa@jacses.org
Fair Finance Guide Japan (FFGJ), a coalition of 4 Japanese non-profit organizations (NGOs), released its 12th policy assessment assessing Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies of Japanese financial institutions. Among the six evaluated Japanese major banks, Mizuho scored the highest with 38/100, followed by Norinchukin Bank which scored 37. Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) is in the third position scoring 35. Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)’s score dropped from 30 last year to 29 points this year due to its withdrawal from the Equator Principles, which are environmental and social risk management standards for financing large-scale development projects.
As in the previous year, Resona performed the best in terms of having the lowest financed power emissions at 139 gCO2e/kWh, which is almost aligned with the 1.5 degree Celsius target by 2030. On the other hand, Mizuho’s financed emissions increased from 353gCO2e/kwh (FY2021) to 368gCO2e/kwh (FY2022), and MUFG’s financed emissions increased from 299gCO2e/kWh (FY2021) to 313gCO2e/kWh (FY2022), clearly running against the 1.5 degree Paris target goal.
Additionally, Mizuho, MUFG, and SMBC have newly adopted policies to confirm the environmental and social considerations of combustion materials when financing biomass power generation projects. Notably, SMBC has established a policy to ensure that sustainable combustion materials do not involve the logging of primeval forests and/or human rights violations are recognized to have occurred in the production of the materials (*1).
With Deep Sea Mining (DSM) as an emerging new frontier for mineral extraction that is already having significant impact on marine ecosystems and coastal communities, Deutsche Bank announced in September 2024 a new policy banning investment and financing in DSM projects (*2). However, none of the Japanese banks have established any such policies.
SMBC needs to rejoin the Equator Principles, and Mizuho and MUFG must steadily reduce their financed power sector emissions to achieve their 2030 targets. Each financial institution should also strengthen their sector policies on biomass power generation and DSM.
*1: https://www.smfg.co.jp/english/sustainability/group_sustainability/
*2: https://www.db.com/news/detail/20240925-deutsche-bank-strengthens-its-ocean-protection-policies-under-backblue-initiative?language_id=1
Japan Center for a Sustainable Environment and Society (JACSES)
Yuki Tanabe (tanabe@jacses.org)
Ayako Honkawa (honkawa@jacses.org)