See below for English summary.
例えば世界銀行の2020年発行の報告書「Minerals for Climate Action 」では2050年までに最低でも2900万トンの銅供給量の増加がなければIPCCによる「2℃上昇シナリオ」を実現させるための低炭素テクノロジーの需要が満たせないと試算している。つまり、現在の銅供給に加えて平均して年間約137.8万トンの増産がなければ達成されない。現在世界最大規模の銅鉱山はチリにあるエスコンディーダ鉱山である。ここでは年間140万トンの銅が算出されている。これは極めて大規模な鉱山であり、これ以外の鉱山では年間生産量30万トンでも一般的には大規模なものといえる。いずれにせよ、世界銀行の試算した量の銅供給を実現するのであればエスコンディーダ級の鉱山を新たに開発するか、あるいは大規模な鉱山開発を複数行わなければならない。
The World is finally awakening to the climate crisis that environmentalists have long warned. All of a sudden the whole world is finding hope in renewable energy and electric Vehicles. It is not too far from today that vehicles with internal combustion engines (i.e. cars that run on gas) will be taken off the market.
What is needed to accomplish this bold change, however, is not always accounted for, and that is the need for basic metals like copper and rare/minor metals such as lithium, cobalt and nickel. All of these minerals will be needed in massive amounts if we are to transition to a low-carbon society anytime soon.
According to a World Bank study 2020 titled "Minerals for Climate Action", the World will be needing at least 29 million tons of copper by 2050 to achieve IPCC's "Two Degrees Scenario" for climate change. This means in addition to what we are already producing, we will need to produce 1.378 million tons of copper every year. Currently, the World's top copper producing mine is in Chile and produces 1.4 million tons annually. This mine is massive that it eclipses any other large scale copper mines, but most other large scale mines have an annual production capacity of 300,000 tons. This mean we will need to be developing one monstrously large mine, or multiple large scale mines to cover for the increased demand.
In addition to this, many of the currently operating mines will gradually have to halt production, and increase demand pressure on mines to come.
The same story goes true for nickel as well. With nickel, it must be that 2.2 million tons are added annually to the current production. Since the current production is roughly 2.3 million tons per year, we will need to nearly double the production of nickel.
The same report also notes that even if recycling rates were improved to 100% (which is highly unlikely), it will only reduce demand for new minerals by 23%. Thus, over a 50% increase in production is inevitable.
This situation adds massive pressure onto mining companies and communities impacted by mining. Nickel mines that can produce for the next 30 years is a sure bet with almost assured returns. A rush for production is fueled not only by environmental aspirations but also from purely economic modes of thinking. Unfortunately this has resulted in weaker due diligence in many locations throughout the world.
This report seeks to understand the situations taking place in two mines both producing minerals needed for a low carbon transition, highlights its due diligence weaknesses, and sounds an alarm against financial institutions to strengthen their monitoring on mining projects and to strengthen overall due diligence on mining sectors. We come to this conclusion after finding alleged violations regarding indigenous people's rights on a project financed within the scope of the Equator Principles.