





*See below for English Summary


豊かな熱帯原生林を抱えていたサラワク州で商業伐採が本格化したのは、1970年代以降です。2013年に出されたある報告書は、サラワク州は「世界でもあまり類を見ないほどの集中的な伐採を経験して」おり、「南米とアフリカを合わせた量よりも多くの熱帯木材を輸出し続けている」と指摘しています 。




木材の購入代金とは別にタイブ一族へと企業から支払われる見返り。このようなお金の動きは多くの場合、「タックス・ヘイブン」(tax haven)と呼ばれる国や地域をまたいで行われます。タックス・ヘイブンは「租税回避地」とも訳されますが、税の支払いを逃れるために利用されるだけではありません。むしろ、匿名性の高さによって持ち主を分からなくしたまま資産を運用できる点が、各国の法規制や当局の目を逃れるために利用されているのです。そのため、最近では「守秘法域」(secrecy jurisdiction)という呼び名も提唱されています。




タイブは2014年に辞任に追い込まれますが、今もボルネオでは違法伐採が続いています。国際NGO「グローバルウィットネス」ではマレーシア現地企業5社における違法伐採の事例を確認しているのです。しかも、日本の木材輸入商社大手5社はいずれもそのような企業から木材を買い付けてきたことが明らかになっています。しかもその木材は東京五輪の会場にも使用される予定だった新国立競技場の建設現場でも使われていることがFoE Japanらの調査から判明しています。
さらに木材輸入商社には大手金融機関からの投融資がFair Finance Guide Japanの調査で確認されています。すなわち、今も私たちのお金は違法伐採を買い支えている可能性があり、そうした木材の上に日本の暮らしと社会は造成されているのです。





(English Summary)

<Tropical forests decrease from excessive logging>

Tropical forests are severely destroyed in Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. However, that disappearance is not an "event beyond the sea" for us living in Japan. Since the liberalization of timber imports in 1960 led to the distribution of cheap foreign timber, Japan, whose domestic supply and self-sufficiency of timber has declined, has become one of the world's major timber importers. And cheap timber imported into Japan from Southeast Asian countries such as the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia has been directly linked to the local logging of tropical forests.
Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia, is one of the regions where deforestation has progressed rapidly against the backdrop of strong timber demand in Japan.
Commercial logging began in earnest in Sarawak, which had abundant tropical virgin forest, since the 1970s. In a 2013 report, Sarawak "experienced one of the most intensive logging in the world" and "continues to export more tropical timber than South America and Africa combined."
Japan became the largest timber export destination in Sarawak, and that relationship continues today, with Japan accounting for 49% of exports in 2018. 

Who allowed the excessive logging / overdevelopment and timber exports in Sarawak? It was a person named Taib Mahmud who made this possible. Taib is a politician who has become the state's most powerful politician by committing corruption in timber concessions in the tropical forest of Sarawak. He has been in power for over 30 years and has exploited the state forests and lands for the benefit of his own family.
In order for a trader to begin logging in Sarawak, a logging permit issued by the state government is required. Taib received bribes from logging companies in return for issuing these permits, ignoring the will of the indigenous peoples living in the area, as well as the impacts the logging will have on the natural environment. By abusing the licensing system, which was originally a system for protecting forests, Taib sold off the forests and land to private companies. received rewards and enriched himself.
Taib used a variety of means to obtain money from the state's tropical forests, part of which was discovered in 2007 from its export destination, Japan. It was revealed that a cartel consisting of 12 Japanese shipping companies pays at least 2.5 billion yen of "intermediary fee" to the company owned by Taib's younger brother. After that, the National Tax Agency of Japan recognizes that this matter was a "necessary expense" for conducting business. However, is there anything legitimate about a timber export that obliges the paying off of a State minister's brother?

<Responsibility of Japanese Mega Bank>

Japanse banks are not unrelated to all this. It is the Japanese Banks that has financed the bribery transactions. That means this whole bribery scheme was made possible from our deposits and savings.
Taib was forced to resign in 2014, but illegal logging continues in Borneo. The international NGO "Global Witness" has confirmed cases of illegal logging at five Malaysian local companies. Moreover, it has become clear that all five major Japanese timber import trading companies have purchased timber from such companies. Moreover, a research lead by FoE Japan has revealed that the wood is also used at the construction site of the New National Stadium, which was planned to be used as the main venue for the Tokyo Olympics.
In addition, a survey by Fair Finance Guide Japan has confirmed that timber importers have invested in and loaned from major financial institutions while regulation remained nearly non-existent. In other words, our money may still be supporting illegal logging, and our lives are built on such timber.