

(English Summary Below)




気候変動が危機的な様相を示しつつある現代において、脱炭素社会の実現は急務であり、それに向けた様々な脱炭素技術の開発・普及に国内外の企業は取り組みを進めている。このローンはその一環として位置づけられたものである。しかし、FFGJおよび協力団体の国際環境NGO FoE Japanの調査では、この「グリーン」であるはずの工場で使用される見込みの高いニッケル材料の調達元となる鉱山では著しい人権問題が生じていることが明らかとなった。































愛知県信用農業協同組合連合会、秋田銀行、足利銀行、阿波銀行、伊予銀行、沖縄銀行、群馬銀行、京葉銀行、四国銀行、常陽銀行、信金中央金庫、中京銀行、筑波銀行 、栃木銀行 、農林中央金庫 、八十二銀行 、百十四銀行、兵庫県信用農業協同組合連合会、広島銀行、北洋銀行、北陸銀行、三井住友海上火災保険、もみじ銀行、山梨中央銀行、ゆうちょ銀行、りそな銀行

 (English Summary)

Fair Finance Guide Japan Case Study on “Green loans” and its Supply Chain Discontents

On September 27, 2023, a syndicated loan totaling 25 billion yen was announced as a "green loan" with Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation as lead manager and Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank as co-lead manager. The loan was for Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd. (SMM) to build a new plant in the Besshi district of Niihama City, Ehime Prefecture, to increase production of cathode materials for rechargeable batteries used in electric vehicles, and also to expand facilities at the existing plant.

In the current climate change crisis, the realization of a decarbonized society is an urgent task, and companies in Japan and abroad are working to develop and distribute various decarbonization technologies to achieve this goal. This loan is positioned as a part of such efforts. However, research by Fair Finance Guide Japan (FFGJ) and its partner, Friends of the Earth (FoE) Japan has revealed significant human rights problems at the mines from which the nickel material that is highly likely to be used in this supposedly "green" plant will be sourced.

The Sorowako Nickel Mine in Indonesia is a mine that already supplies nickel matte to SMM. The open-pit nickel mining operation there has been negatively impacting the land and traditional lifestyles of Indigenous People, and it has been confirmed that the expansion of the mine is causing material impact on local agriculture while also contaminating the water supply for local residents with carcinogenic heavy metals. In addition, Indigenous Peoples who protest against these issues have been unjustly arrested and detained. (For more information, please refer to the FFGJ case study report published in 2023)

In addition to this, in order to meet the growing demand for nickel, plans to expand the mine into areas that have yet to be mined have been in full swing since early 2022. The following problems were identified in the process for expansion:


-Loss of income for farmers, including many women

More than 90% of the inhabitants in the area targeted for expansion work in pepper production, and pepper fields provide income for more than 10,000 agricultural workers when including seasonal workers. Pepper cultivation involves many processes that women are involved in, and in fact many women are engaged in the local pepper cultivation. They will all lose their income base if the mine is expanded.

-Pollution of water sources for agriculture and lakes

During the exploration conducted in 2022, the rivers in the vicinity already turned red and murky, resulting in lower quality pepper production. It is also feared that if the mine is developed, surface water from the mining area will bring sediment pollution including heavy metals to the nearby lakes, as is the case with existing mines. The lake provides income and food for the local residents, but no clear countermeasures have been communicated to the residents.

-Non-payment of compensation

In some cases, compensation has never been paid for rice paddies and fish ponds that were rendered unusable by the construction of hydroelectric dams to operate existing mining facilities. Even when compensation was provided, it was only after complaints and protests by residents.

-Lack of dialogue with stakeholders

The exploration that began in 2022 was conducted without prior and appropriate consultation with local residents. Heavy machinery suddenly arrived during their day-to-day farm work and began conducting exploration activities. In addition, the mining company reportedly held meetings referred to as “socialisasi” in the local language, to explain the expansion plan, but only five men selected by the village head of Loeha Village were invited to attend. After repeated protests, the company held a "Focus Group Discussion (FGD)" in a city more than ten hours away from the village. The program was a series of one-way presentations by speakers prepared by the mining company, and obviously was not designed to be a meaningful dialogue.

-Repression of Protesters and Violation of "Freedom of Expression"

Heavily armed police officers and the national army have been dispatched against protesting residents, and there have been reports of heavily armed police threatening women farmers to burn a car belonging to a certain farmer. Furthermore, when a local environmental NGO supporting farmers condemned the military's repressive actions, military officials reportedly visited the NGO's office to exert pressure.


Under these conditions, it is not a leap to say that this so-called "green" factory project is actually in violation of the "Guidelines on Respecting Human Rights in Responsible Supply Chains," as developed by the Japanese Government.

And complicit in this are the financial institutions that finance and spread what can be articulated as typical "green washing". We strongly urge all financial institutions involved to stop the financing of any ongoing loans and to support efforts to remedy the situation. We also urge the arrangers and co-arrangers of the loans to strengthen their due diligence efforts including in the supply chains of loan applicants to prevent the financing of projects that benefit from problematic business practices.


Overview of “Green Loan” to Sumitomo Metal Mining

-Borrower: Sumitomo Metal Mining Co., Ltd.

-Contract amount: 25 billion JPY

-Arranger: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation, Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, Limited

-Co-Arranger: The Iyo Bank, Ltd.

-Agent: Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation

-Contract date: September 27, 2023

-Contract period: 3years, 5years, 7years

-Purpose of Loan: Financing for expansion of facilities and construction of a new plant to increase production of cathode materials for automotive rechargeable batteries

-Lenders (disclosed as of 9/27/2023 in alphabetical order)

114 Bank

The Akita Bank,Ltd.

The Ashikaga Bank, Ltd.

The Awa Bank, Limited

The Bank of Okinawa,Ltd

The Chukyo Bank,Ltd.

The Gunma Bank, Ltd.

The Hachijuni Bank, Ltd.

The Hiroshima Bank, Ltd.

The Hokuriku Bank, Ltd.

Hyogo Shinren

The Iyo Bank, Ltd.

JA Bank Aichi

Japan Post Bank Co., Ltd.

Joyo Bank Ltd.

The Keiyo Bank Ltd.

Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co., Ltd.

The Momiji Bank, Ltd.

The Norinchukin Bank

North Pacific Bank Ltd.

Resona Bank, Limited

Shikoku Bank, Ltd.

Shinkin Central Bank

The Tochigi Bank, Ltd.

Tsukuba Bank, Ltd.

The Yamanashi Chuo Bank, Ltd.